I get it!!!
Sometimes, you feel like you have to do everything on your daily to-do list in order to feel accomplished or "self validated". Or maybe you can be overly critical or judgemental of your own self that it becomes hard for you to see the blessings of God in your life.
I know this may be contrary to popular belief, but you have the right to be vulnerable and in need of help - or better, in need of a touch from God!
In this fast-paced world, women all around are competing with this idea that they have to be this super woman version of themselves - and all it does is create overworked women who become overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
You and only you can give yourself permission to reset and rest.
As long as you put on this "happy face" to fool everyone around you to make them think that you have everything under control, they'll willingly allow you to keep the work load that you carry because it's "clear" you're doing a great job.
The private conversations that you have in your head may never be uttered, but the Lord hears and sees every plea, heart cry, and cringe and wants you to know that this too shall pass. This is not the end nor is it a permanent place.
Therefore, I want to challenge you!
If you are stressed, tired, and overwhelmed, take a moment to reset and ask the Lord to help you prioritize your life.
The best advice I know to give you is Jesus. It's not a cliché, He literally is the answer to everything - that's why He's the Savior of the world. Finding time daily to pray and seek His face for direction will help you balance your life so much more.
As you allow the Lord to lead you, He'll begin to show you what to do and what not to do to help you avoid becoming stressed - (because he cares about the WHOLE woman.)
Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 1 Peter 5:7 AMP
You are not alone in this thing. Whether you're Married, Engaged, or Single, the Lord cares about YOU and wants more than anything for YOU to have a sound mind!
This is your call to reset.
That can be you rescheduling a meeting, conference call, or ordering take out food, ...
You don't have to be this "super" version of yourself 24/7. The Lord created us with the capacity to handle so many different things at once and it is simply amazing to be able to walk in that space. However, we all have a capacity of grace to operate from.
Find time to replenish your soul; your well-being, family, and everyone else connected to you depend on it.
Gloria Warren
The Eloquent Wife
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